On Thursday 01 Oct 2015 13:21:48 Tanstaafl wrote:
> Thanks to Alan and the others for the responses...
> The main problem is this project is being managed by a non-tech manager
> who apparently thinks they know a lot more than they do, and the Boss is
> technically challenged, so it is easy for someone to convince him of
> almost anything (like, he should delegate this to a non-tech person and
> not involve his one tech guy)...

This is uncanny!  Do you work in the same company as I?  O_o

> One reason he sometimes doesn't involve me until things get to this
> point is because I tend to be a 'wet blanket', ruining bright shiny
> sales pitches with injections of reality. You'd think he'd have learned
> by now. The last time, about 5 years ago, the person who managed the
> project (different person) didn't get ownership of the source code in
> the contract, so we didn't get all of the source files for the Flash
> junk they created, then when we wanted to make some changes to the text
> embedded in  the Flash, I had to ask them for the source files, and
> they wanted a bunch of money. Unbelievable.
> We'll see how the dev(s) respond to my questions, but I may come back
> here with more info and more advice if I need it.

I bet they will ask to point the DNS record for your domain to their own (or 
Rackspace's) nameservers instead of your current nameservers.  However, as it 
has been commented already, the sane thing to do is develop the whole new 
website on their own subdomain with an appropriate robots.txt file, to stop 
spiders indexing it at this stage.  Once it is ready for UAT and assuming the 
boss approves it, they can ask *you* to point the DNS record to their 
Rackspace nameservers.

This way *you* can also point it back to a holding page/mirror/new site, when 
they no longer serve your needs.

> Thanks again to all, it has been a big help!

PS.  I hope someone will show them the door if they suggest designing a new 
Flash based web interface ...

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