On 2015-10-15, walt <w41...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Why would I use a different smtp server if I'm now using imap?  I use
> smtp to send mail, and imap to read it, right?  Why not use the same
> smtp server in either case?

The only thing I can imagine is that perhaps when you send via the
"imap" smtp server, it saves a copy of the outbound mail in a "sent"
IMAP folder.

I've never actually seen a setup like that, and I doubt that's the
real answer.

> (The different server names actually resolve to the same IP address, so
> the distinction seems to be more theoretical than real, but the theory
> is what puzzles me.)

Sounds like a normal low-level SNAFU to me...

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! Can you MAIL a BEAN
                                  at               CAKE?

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