J. Roeleveld <joost <at> antarean.org> writes:

> > So working on my new (proposed) security architecture, I need to post
> > some diagrams to make the questions more precise.  so I guess 
> > diagrams start with the use of  ascii_art ?

Gmane forces editing so posting text is more than quoted text....

> Most graphical mail clients don't display ascii_art correctly.

Huh. So ascii art is out as an option? I do not like it anyway for 
network diagrams purposes...

> >  Maybe  placing diagrams on a gentoo manage resource or github?
> Personally, I don't care if people occasionally add a 
> screenshot/drawing/whatever as attachment to emails if they are necessary
> to  clarify the question and/or answer.

OK, what is available and what can we test? There are lots of examples
on the net [1,2]

> > I'd like to end up with a Full Office type of example (DNS, mail 
> > and  web servers and LAN). 

Here is the idea I like best [3]. Diagrams, with "keys" that popup or
display the configuration of a particular component. These components can be
building blocks like nat, or ssh enable by ip address or protocol for example. 

> > To eventually migrate the information to  the  gentoo
> > wiki; so if the graphics and diagrams are gentoo wiki compatible .

> I think most commonly used graphical formats are supported.

huh. Are there gentoo wiki examples where diagrams are currently used?

> > I'd like to end up with the least steps for this. 
> Personally: JPEG or similar, high compression (not too much as to loose 
> detail) and cropped to the minimal required.

OK, so what tools/sequences/steps would somebody typically use to
get a (jpeg) diagram posted to say the gentoo-temp-diagram-server-buffer ?
What is the acceptable way to build gentoo wiki docs that have a mix of
diagrams and texts?

> I don't know if anything already exists.
> However, if it is highly specific, a wiki-page or similar might be an 
> option where interested parties collaborate with an occasional posting 
> to the mailing list with specific questions or requests for comments?

yes. Hopefully somebody knows of a public service or a web based service
where we can  experiment, then formulate a proposal to post to bgo?

Ideas on how to do this, are most welcome?


[1] http://www.conceptdraw.com/examples/cloud-network-diagram

[2] http://www.uml-diagrams.org/network-architecture-diagrams.html

[3] http://packetpushers.net/how-to-draw-clear-l3-logical-network-diagrams/

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