On Sun, 6 Dec 2015 13:49:15 -0500, Rich Freeman wrote:

> > Ok, so you're saying that putting the CONFIG_PROTECT in make.conf,
> > makes the directory read-only only for portage, right?

> Nope.  It just enabled configuration protection, as is the default
> for /etc.
> So changes go into new files, and then you can merge them with
> dispatch-conf or cfg-update or whatever your favorite tool for merging
> config file changes is.
> If somebody has a link to the docs for this please post it, as it
> seems like this has disappeared from the handbook.  This used to be
> Gentoo 101...

man emerge - the section on configuration files.

Yes, it was a bit of a treasure hunt finding that, it was mentioned in
man make.conf but nothing about it in man portage :(

Neil Bothwick

Despite the cost of living, have you noticed how it remains so popular?

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