> Have you tried this firmware package instead, sys-firmware/amdgpu-ucode?
> Do you have the firmware included in your kernel config file?
> Device Drivers  --->
>     Generic Driver Options  --->
>         -*- Userspace firmware loading support
>         [*] Include in-kernel firmware blobs in kernel binary
>             (amdgpu/<YOUR-MODEL>.bin radeon/<YOUR-MODEL>.bin)
>             (/lib/firmware) Firmware blobs root directory
> Yes I have the firmware includes, I'll try the amdgpu-ucode and report back.
> -------------
> Mission successful!  Thanks everyone, it appears the missing sdma1.bin from 
> linux-firmware is contained in amdgpu-ucode and after switching everything is 
> running fine.
Good to hear.

Thanks for letting us know.

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