On Wed, 30 Dec 2015 07:34:52 +1000
Hans <li...@interworld.net.au> wrote:

> Is it possible to fully encrypt a Gentoo system as can be done with 
> Fedora, Suse, Arch Linux, Debian and Ubunto without using a unencrypted 
> USB boot stick or unencrypted /boot partition?
> If yes, where can I find instructions that really work on a BIOS only 
> box without UEFI, EFI, systemd using EXT4 file system?

It's definitely possible - for both usb stick or ordinary boot
partition, although it's not quite the same as in distros you've
mentioned, since it require either custom made initramfs or some
utility which would made one for you (like dracut, genkernel etc).

There is several guides which might be useful, just google for one.
It doesn't have to be gentoo specific, since the install procedure is
almost the same, the only difference is the choice of medium for
booting up the encrypted system, bootloader and fstab configuration,
partition layout (with/without lvm) and so on. One of teh most
comprehensive guide about the topic is the Sakaki's EFI Install
Guide [1]. Yeah, I know there is "EFI" word, but it doesn't matter -
you can just skip the part with efi partition and make your own
pendrive (using syslinux) or create unencrypted boot partition :)

[1] https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Sakaki%27s_EFI_Install_Guide

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