Hi all,

On Thu, 25 Feb 2016 22:03:59 +0000 (UTC) James wrote:
> This smoking hot (many HPC scientist agree) distributed file
> system will surely rock the cluster, container and Hi Performance
> Computing worlds. [1] Now if I were only smart enough to get this
> puppy into portage.......

By the way, does anyone have any real performance comparison with

While it is good to have another solution available, I don't see
any real benefits of FhgFS/BeeGFS compared to Lustre these days.
At the time where FhgFS was created, Lustre indeed was unable to
use multiple metadata servers, so this was a bottleneck. But now
Lustre also supports distributed metadata, so they should on par in
this matter.

On the other hand, Lustre has much larger community (e.g. see
TOP-500 list) and is much better tested (and even under such
conditions it has problems in some corner cases). Thus I see no
advantage in FhgFS for HPC setups.

Of course world of parallel distributed file systems is very
versatile, so for different tasks/workloads different file systems
are the most suitable, but for typical IB-based HPC storage I see
no better solution than Lustre at this moment.

Best regards,
Andrew Savchenko

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