On Sat, 09 Apr 2016 08:40:46 +0100, Mick wrote:

> > The usual complaint about GRUB2 is that it is too complex, so minimal
> > is good here. I  only have it installed to be able to boot my System
> > Rescue ISO in an emergency, I've not found a way to go that without
> > GRUB.  
> I have used GRUB2 to boot ISO images from USB drives and internal
> drives without problem,

Yes, I do that allthe time. I also use it to boot ISO images from DVDs :)

> but Gummiboot is less fiddly to set up. 

Which is why I prefer it. But it is fine to have both installed and
available from the UEFI boot menu. I do this on my laptop to make sure I
can always boot a rescue ISO if I need to. For my other systems, there's
usually a suitable USB stick nearby.

> Unfortunately, you can't boot an ISO in true minimalist fashion just by 
> pointing to it with the EFI boot stub (the ISO needs to be mounted via
> a loopback function).

I know all that. What would be nice would be an EFI boot stub that took
care of that. It occurs to me that the System Rescue Cd kernels may be
UEFI compatible, so it may be a matter of unpacking the ISO into /boot to
be able to access it from gummiboot/bootctl.

Neil Bothwick

"It compiled? The first screen came up? Ship it!" -- Bill Gates

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