Michael Orlitzky <mjo <at> gentoo.org> writes:

> > A circular! yippie. So how do I post this bug? Can somebody confirm it?
> > just weird.....

> It's intentional. In jflex-1.6.1.ebuild, you'll find...

>   PDEPEND=">=dev-java/javacup-0.11b_p20151001:0"

AH. OK. Interesting postulate.....

> That's a "post-merge" dependency, and they exist to get around
> otherwise-circular dependencies:

>   https://devmanual.gentoo.org/general-concepts/dependencies/

Huh. OK. Never looked at this closely before. It strangely makes sense
but, I'm going to have to marinate on this......

> Why those two particular packages have circular deps, I can't say.

Beats me too. That why I'm going to marinate on this. Perhaps if somebody
was to shed a bit more light on the circular need, it might ease the
effort of understanding.

Thanks for the the insight.


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