On Tue, Apr 26, 2016 at 02:41:23AM +0000, James wrote:
> Do you have a definition of exactly what a CDEPEND is?

CDEPEND is a commonly used name for COMMON_DEPEND - dependencies shared between
DEPEND and RDEPEND (and, potentially, PDEPEND). In cases where you have a fair
number of shared dependencies, and one or two in only DEPEND or RDEPEND, you
could enter the common ones in a variable (commonly CDEPEND) and add that to
your {,R}DEPEND definition.

Use of CDEPEND is common, but not policy. You can find other examples of it's
usage with `qgrep -H CDEPEND` (qgrep is provided by app-portage/portage-utils).

> Those (2) aforemention docs do not show CDEPEND in the local search, as 
> they (occurences of "CDEPEND") are found in non-text parts of the documents.
> Is there way to globally search doc indexs like: [3] ?
> [3] https://devmanual.gentoo.org/eclass-reference/index.html

You could always use a Google search of "CDEPEND site:devmanual.gentoo.org" (or
similar), but otherwise there isn't that I'm aware of.

There is, however, a definition of CDEPEND in the Java Developer Guide[0] on the
wiki (as found with Googling "CDEPEND site:wiki.gentoo.org"). Note that the wiki
*does* have native built-in searching, though).

[0] https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Java_Developer_Guide#JDK.2FJRE

Sam Jorna (wraeth)
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