Forgive me for saying so, but this ebuild seems a little off to me:

1. why install to /opt?
2. DEPEND s on a lot of optional stuff from my quick read of the dekagen docs 
this morning. Can you do DEPEND with alternatives? like 

DEPEND bladeenc|lame|vorbistools

3. aren't all the DEPENDS actually RDEPENDS as nothing at all is needed
to compile/install the program, other than bash and man which I believe
should always be present.

But I am open to education on these issues :-)

(By the way congratulations on the quick work, I started to do the same
thing, and got waylaid by my real employment :-)

On Fri, 30 Sep 2005 02:04:04 +0000 (UTC)
Greg Yasko wrote:

> There is now an ebuild in Gentoo's bugzilla, so you could use Portdir_Overlay
> and provide some much needed testing.
> I'd link to the Gentoo Wiki for how to do it but it's been spammed, so here 
> goes
> & of course do the commands without the quotes:
> Set PORTDIR_OVERLAY in /etc/make.conf to /usr/local/portage
> Download dekagen-1.0.2.tar.gz and move it to /usr/portage/distfiles
> Login as root and do a "mkdir -p /usr/local/portage/app-cdr/dekagen"
> Then cd to the dekagen directory you just created.
> Run "ebuild dekagen-1.0.2.ebuild digest" in the dekagen directory.
> Add "app-cdr/dekagen ~x86" to /etc/portage/package.keywords
> Finally, do an "emerge dekagen" and it should work.
> Good luck.
> -G.Y.
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