»Q« wrote:
> On Sun, 29 May 2016 08:13:03 -0400
> Alan Grimes <alonz...@verizon.net> wrote:
>> You know what? fuck you.  That's what.
> It's unclear whether you're attacking only Gregory or the entire
> list.  If the latter, would you consider unsubscribing?  It looks as
> though no one her is interested in helping you as long as you continue
> using the "jackhammer", so the only result of you posting here is that
> the replies make you more angry than your Gentoo problems alone did.
> (To be clear:  I certainly don't speak for the entire list -- this is
> just one guy's suggestion that you consider it.)

In my opinion, if he is not going to take advice from other users here,
why post to begin with?  If he isn't going to post, may as well
unsubscribe and be done with it.  He's not helping anyone else with his
posts and he doesn't take the help that has been provided numerous
times.  He's not giving or taking so what is the point? 

So, I 2nd the motion.  lol 

In all honesty, I wish he would go file bug reports on BGO since he
thinks everything Gentoo is broken.  I suspect a few devs would give him
a ear full and at some point, block him from filing bugs at all.  I
seriously doubt the devs would put up with even a small part of this mess. 


:-)  :-) 

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