On Mon, 30 May 2016 20:48:46 -0400, Alan Grimes wrote:

> Neil Bothwick wrote:
> > Have you read the emerge and portage man pages anytime in the last
> > five years?  
> I tried to extract useful information from the emerge manpage a few days
> ago but it contained no useful information, manpages are written in
> moonspeak anyway.

Man pages are reference documents for those that already have a basic
understanding of the software. They document the various command options.
They are not tutorials, the handbook does a good enough job of that.

> I thought portage was just the file database,

You though wrong, that's the portage tree. Portage is the package
manager, it's the software installed by sys-apps/portage

> I tried to find an on-line wiki about
> emerge because that's how shit is documented in the 21st century but
> couldn't.

Man pages are written by the developers of the software, and the versions
installed match the software version - they should be considered
authoritative. The same cannot be said of a random wiki page that any
idiot can write or edit.

> I wish I could remember where I got the documentation I needed
> to configure the features list I'm using, it's been ages since I've
> messed with it...

You've already been told the answer to that...

Neil Bothwick

"Most problems go away if you just wait long enough. It might look like
I'm standing motionless but I'm actively waiting for our problems to go
away. I don't know why this works but it does."
Scott Adams, Dilbert comic

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