Daniel Frey wrote:

> On 07/09/2016 07:08 PM, Peter Humphrey wrote:
>> Thanks Dan. I tried your package.mask and thought I was getting
>> somewhere. But I had to add these to package.use (I have USE=-qt5 in
>> make.conf):
>> sys-auth/polkit-qt              qt5
>> dev-libs/libdbusmenu-qt         qt5
>> media-libs/phonon               qt5
>> media-libs/phonon-vlc           qt5
>> Then I had to remove >kde-apps/kdebase-runtime-meta-4.15 from
>> package.mask to satisfy "(dependency required by
>> "kde-base/kdebase-startkde-4.11.22::gentoo"
>> [ebuild])". Guess what? Of course - it wanted to install the whole set of
>> [qt5
>> packages.
>> So I'm still stuck. I don't want to go to KDE-5 until I can find a way to
>> reduce the absurd amount of vertical space occupied by every line of
>> text. It will still be ugly, but at least more manageable.
>> I've attached screen shots of qt4 and qt5 versions of KMail to show what
>> I mean. The qt5 version is as close as I can get to the qt4.
> I just tried and no luck here either. I made that list back in April
> when plasma made my machine unusable (hence the "might not work now"
> comment.) It's been several months now but I really don't want to go and
> try plasma again and waste days trying to get my machine usable again.
> I'm just not going to do any updates (and I guess I should do a stage4
> backup in case I have to restore...)
> Right now my machine is nice and stable. What I don't understand is that
> plasma clearly isn't ready for primetime yet (IMHO) yet it seems KDE4 is
> not installable on Gentoo anymore.

It seems so. Really embarassing is however, that the dependencies for even 
already installed packages have been changed under the hood:

===================== %< ===================
$ diff -u `locate kactivities-4.13.3-r2.ebuild`
--- /var/db/pkg/kde-base/kactivities-4.13.3-r2/kactivities-4.13.3-r2.ebuild     
2016-03-09 17:26:34.581846384 +0100
+++ /var/db/portage/gentoo/kde-base/kactivities/kactivities-4.13.3-r2.ebuild    
2016-07-08 22:21:51.000000000 +0200
@@ -10,11 +10,11 @@
 DESCRIPTION="KDE Activity Manager"
-KEYWORDS="amd64 ~arm ~ppc ~ppc64 x86 ~x86-fbsd ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux"
+KEYWORDS="amd64 ~arm x86 ~x86-fbsd ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux"
-       || ( $(add_kdebase_dep kactivitymanagerd) <kde-
frameworks/kactivities-5.20.0:5 kde-plasma/kactivitymanagerd:5 )
+       kde-plasma/kactivitymanagerd:5
 src_configure() {
===================== %< ===================

There was not even a revision bump. For me this is one of the unfriendliest 
and annoying actions in the last decade of Gentoo (and I am even longer 
using it).

> I did try many things trying to get plasma working but everything I
> tried had no results. Plasma would crash even if you didn't do anything
> (no keyboard or mouse input.)
> Dan


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