On Sunday 17 Jul 2016 16:20:30 Ralf wrote:
> On 07/17/2016 04:02 PM, Mick wrote:
> > I am not sure of the correct approach to achieve a prolonged remote
> > debugging session through SSH and avoid the SSH session timing out.
> > 
> > This is what I try to achieve:
> > 
> > I login into a router with SSH from my PC.  Then I can run certain
> > commands to start and monitor a debugging session in the router. 
> > However, if I leave alone the SSH session, it will soon time out.  The
> > debugging only runs while the session is live.  Exiting the SSH session
> > causes all debug output to be lost.
> Take a look at screen or tmux. man screen, man tmux.

Thank you Ralph, but detaching the *local* terminal process of SSH does not in 
any way stop the login session on the router from timing out.

> > If I continue to run (router) commands on the terminal, while the
> > debugging is running, the SSH time out is postponed.
> you may also want to tweak some timeout options in your sshd_config

The router login times out unless some command is fed into the login session a 
the time.  So, I'll need to be able to run commands every so often on the 
router shell from within my SSH session (without sitting in front of my PC 
terminal of course).  The commands 'watch', or 'at' might do it, but I am not 
sure if some script is necessary for this.


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