* Mick <michaelkintz...@gmail.com> [160717 12:36]:
> On Sunday 17 Jul 2016 16:20:30 Ralf wrote:
> > On 07/17/2016 04:02 PM, Mick wrote:
> > > I am not sure of the correct approach to achieve a prolonged remote
> > > debugging session through SSH and avoid the SSH session timing out.
> > > 
> > > This is what I try to achieve:
> > > 
> > > I login into a router with SSH from my PC.  Then I can run certain
> > > commands to start and monitor a debugging session in the router. 
> > > However, if I leave alone the SSH session, it will soon time out.  The
> > > debugging only runs while the session is live.  Exiting the SSH session
> > > causes all debug output to be lost.
> > 
> > Take a look at screen or tmux. man screen, man tmux.
> Thank you Ralph, but detaching the *local* terminal process of SSH does not 
> in 
> any way stop the login session on the router from timing out.
> > > If I continue to run (router) commands on the terminal, while the
> > > debugging is running, the SSH time out is postponed.
> > 
> > you may also want to tweak some timeout options in your sshd_config
> The router login times out unless some command is fed into the login session 
> a 
> the time.  So, I'll need to be able to run commands every so often on the 
> router shell from within my SSH session (without sitting in front of my PC 
> terminal of course).  The commands 'watch', or 'at' might do it, but I am not 
> sure if some script is necessary for this.
> -- 
> Regards,
> Mick

if you just want something to keep the connection open how about just a
simple shell command in a whole loop?

e.g., while true; do clear; ps aux | grep whatever; sleep 5; done

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