On 05/09/16 15:31, Mick wrote:
On Monday 05 Sep 2016 10:42:34 Hans wrote:
On 01/09/16 16:04, gevisz wrote:
I have bought an external 5TB Western Digital hard drive
that I am going to use mainly for backing up some files
in my home directory and carrying a very big files, for
example a virtual machine image file, from one computer
to another. This hard drive is preformatted with NTFS.
Now, I am going to format it with ext4 which probably
will take a lot of time taking into account that it is
going to be done via USB connection. So, before formatting
this hard drive I would like to know if it is still
advisable to partition big hard drives into smaller
logical ones.

For about 20 last years, following an advice of my older
colleague, I always partitioned all my hard drives into
the smaller logical ones and do very well know all
disadvantages of doing so. :)

But what are disadvantages of not partitioning a big
hard drive into smaller logical ones?

Is it still advisable to partition a big hard drive
into smaller logical ones and why?

I use 2TB USB drive with one EXT4 partition. Took about 30 seconds to
format connected to a USB2 port. Testing the drive with dd and copying
files to the drive is very slow. Don't touch "Green Drives". They die
like flies.

Did you get the logical and physical sector aligned when you partitioned them?
(if not sure, google for 4k sector drives).  All recent versions of
fdisk/gdisk/parted and friends will align them by default.

How did you test it with dd and how are you copying files?

How slow is slow in this case?

Can't remember. Much slower than copying 1TB Video files from and to SATA disks.

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