On 03/10/16 21:39, Neil Bothwick wrote:
> You haven't told us the command that produced this output. Is this a
> world update or and you trying to update Bash separately?

Sorry, it was part of a world update:

    emerge --ask --update --deep --changed-use --keep-going
--quiet-build --with-bdeps=y --verbose @world

> You could also use the --tree option. Are you using arch or ~arch, or a
> mixture of the two?

I'm using full ~arch with the exception of chromium and libreoffice (to
keep the updates to a minimum).

>From the gist of the responses though, it sounds like I should just add
bash to that list, so that's what I've done and the problem has gone
away :-)  I hope the other packages catch up in time for when Bash

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