So, I've got scans of a half dozen new hard drives, and I've got scans of 
their labels. One image has two drives, the other has four.

Rather than manually transcribing the label contents into my intake ticket, 
I'd like to select a region of each image and OCR it. (Darn, it'd be handy if 
they put all this metadata into a QR code...)

What tools exist to let me do this? Keep in mind, I've got multiple regions I 
need to OCR, and the regions aren't going to be consistent across images. 

xsane would have let me do it during the scan process if I'd thought of it 
then, but the scans are done, drives aren't there any more. Something 
reasonably similar would be nice. Okular is reputed to have some OCR 
capability, but I can't find it. Dolphin is supposed to be able to do it if you 
have tesserract installed (I do), but I can't find the service to enable. I 
could use some pointers...


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