On 07/12/2016 15:47, Alan Grimes wrote:
> Alan McKinnon wrote:
>> On 07/12/2016 15:03, Alan Grimes wrote:
>>> Certainly there are groups of packages in the 439 that could be updated
>>> without triggering these conflicts but then doing that automatically
>>> wouldn't waste enough of the user's time...
>>> [ebuild     U  ] kde-apps/kde-meta-16.08.3:5::gentoo [16.08.1:5::gentoo]
>>> 0 KiB
>>> [blocks B      ] <dev-qt/qtwebkit-4.10.4:4[gstreamer]
>>> ("<dev-qt/qtwebkit-4.10.4:4[gstreamer]" is blocking
>>> media-libs/phonon-gstreamer-4.9.0)
>>> quickpkg qtwebkit and phonon-gstreamer )so you can easily put them back
>>> if needed), unmerge both then do a proper world update:
>>> emerge -avuND world
> I'm sorry, I don't read one-letter, I have always always, without
> exception, used the verbose flags because they're readable and much
> easier to remember (because they're readable).

read the man page and figure out what they are because I'm not going to
do it for you

> I do not know what quickpkg is. 

Makes a tarball of a package so you can later untar it and get the
package back without a remerge. It's all in portage's man pages

> Qtwebkit is a VERY slow build... I'm pretty sure I've done it already,
> but, sigh....

It's blocking phonon-gstreamer so you will need to rebuild it anyway

>> and let portage figure out the best way to do it.
>> And don;t use that bloody jackhammer script again or even mention it,
>> not unless you want all of gentoo-user all over your case again
> If my gentle update script always worked, I'd have no need of it. =|

So why are you running it?

Alan McKinnon

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