Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com> writes:

> lee wrote:
>> Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com> writes:
>>> lee wrote:
>>>> Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com> writes:
>>>>> lee wrote:
>>>>>> Daniel Frey <djqf...@gmail.com> writes:
>>>>>>> On 12/19/2016 10:15 AM, lee wrote:
>>>>>>>> "Walter Dnes" <waltd...@waltdnes.org> writes:
>>>>>>>>>   Similarly, the vast majority of home users have a machine with one
>>>>>>>>> ethernet port, and in the past it's always been eth0.
>>>>>>>> Since 10 years or so, the default is two ports.
>>>>>>> Not in any of the computers I've built. Generally only high end or
>>>>>>> workstation/server boards have two ports.
>>>>>>> i.e. not what the typical home user would buy.
>>>>>> It is not reasonable to assume that a "typical home user" would want a
>>>>>> computer with a crappy board to run Linux on it (or for anything
>>>>>> else). If they are that cheap, they're better off buying a used one.
>>>>>> When they are sufficiently clueless to want something like that, what
>>>>>> does it matter what the network interfaces are called.
>>>>> I built my current rig just a few years ago.  It has one ethernet port
>>>>> on it.  Since it didn't work right, bad drivers I guess, I added a card
>>>>> to have the second port.  The rig I built before that, it also had one
>>>>> ethernet port. 
>>>>> I might add, I didn't buy a "crappy board" either.  The first was Abit
>>>>> which was the top rated brand at the time and my current board is
>>>>> Gigabyte, another highly rated board at the time I bought it.
>>>> I have no experience with Abit, and I can tell you from experience with
>>>> a couple of them that Gigabyte is the worst junk for a board you can
>>>> buy and that their support has no idea what they are doing.
>>> Well, I have two of them and they work just fine.  I might add, Abit
>>> gave me many years of 24/7 service.  Being outdated was its only
>>> problem.  Also, Gigabyte and Asus were the top rated boards when I
>>> bought my board.  Some who have been here long enough may even recall me
>>> posting my buy list here on this mailing list.  So, you thinking
>>> Gigabyte is junk can go in the same place as your thinking two ports on
>>> every board is the default.   It's your opinion and not based on
>>> reality.   I've learned the same usually applies to hard drives as well. 
>> You must be assuming that the Gigabyte boards I've had my hands on
>> somehow existed outside of reality.
> I think you are outside reality at this point. 
>>>>> As Daniel
>>>>> points out, you have to get into some pretty high end boards before you
>>>>> get two ethernet ports. 
>>>>> Just for giggles, I went and looked at Asus boards, currently highly
>>>>> rated.  I had to get up around the $400 range to find two ports.  Most
>>>>> computers built for home use, and even some, maybe most, business
>>>>> computers, only have one port.  It's all they need. 
>>>>> I might also add, I have a lot of friends that give me their old
>>>>> computers.  Of all the puters I have ever seen, they had one ethernet
>>>>> port.  Over the past decade or so, I've likely stripped out a few dozen
>>>>> computers for parts.  Not one of them had two ethernet ports. 
>>>>> I'm with Daniel on this one. 
>>>> The last time I got a board that didn't have two ports is about 20 years
>>>> ago, and I never bought one for 400.  They all just have 2, needed or
>>>> not, even cheap ones.
>>> Odd.  Just for giggles, I went to Newegg.  I pulled up both AMD and
>>> Intel boards.  I then looked at the pictures of the top sellers listed
>>> there.  With my settings, it lists 36 on each page.  Out of the first
>>> page for each type, only a couple or so had two ports and only one that
>>> I saw was under $200.00.  The rest were more expensive than that.  I
>>> think that one $200.00 board was a Gigabyte by the way.  I doubt you
>>> want to claim owning that, right?  Looked at 72 boards, only found a
>>> couple or so with two ethernet ports. 
>>> So, looking at a large website that has likely millions of customers,
>>> carries about every brand of board there is, I could only find a very
>>> small percentage of boards that have two ethernet ports built in.  That
>>> is not what a reasonable person would call the default.  If it was the
>>> default as you claim, then there should only be a few that don't have
>>> two ports.  You add in that Daniel, Taiidan and myself have not seen
>>> such a default, then I think you are mistaken. 
>> That may very well be so, yet the boards around here usually have two
>> ports.  If the ones around you usually have one port, it's not
>> surprising that you would assume a different default number of ports.
>> So what?
>> .
> I didn't go look at boards I had around here.  I went to a major
> computer supplier, newegg, and looked at what they had.  Go back and
> read again what I did and maybe read it more carefully. 
> Might I also add, it's more than just me that has pointed out that you
> are not correct on this.  It's a few others as well.  You ever stop to
> think that what you observe is not the normal and certainly not the
> default?  If what you claim was even remotely accurate, newegg would
> have had a lot larger number of boards with two ports on it.  Thing is,
> they didn't.  Kai pointed out that the same is true in Europe.  

Why would I assume that what someone else observes is a default?
Besides, I don't see what problem you're having with this.

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