Alan McKinnon wrote:
> On 04/01/2017 22:25, Daniel Frey wrote:
>> On 01/04/2017 08:30 AM, Neil Bothwick wrote:
>>> On Wed, 4 Jan 2017 18:11:10 +0200, Alan McKinnon wrote:
>>>>> Using the --deep switch can / does pull in a lot of seemingly extra
>>>>> packages.  
>>>> --deep is practically *required* to do a full proper update.
>>>> Say A is in world, and A depends on B which depends on C.
>>>> C is updated in the tree, and usually you will want C updated.
>>>> However, update world will NOT update C.
>>>> Why? Because "world" is not a synonym for "everything",
>>>> "world" is something quite literal - the exact contents of
>>>> /var/lib/portage/world (and /var/lib/portage/world_sets if present)
>>>> "update world" updates that list only.
>>> That's not quite true, according to the man page. Without --deep portage
>>> considers only the specified files and their immediate dependencies
>>> (deps that are listed in the package's ebuild). So without --deep,
>>> updates to B as well a A would be picked up, but not C.
>>>> Adding --deep follows the
>>>> dependencies of the list, basically meaning
>>>> "update --deep world" IS a synonym for "everything"
>> I always do `emerge -uDN world`. Which is --update --deep --newuse...
>> I've just never had that happen with depclean before. Odd, no?
>> I usually do:
>> `emerge -uDN world`
>> and
>> `emerge -ac` to depclean afterwards.
>> As I use --deep all the time, I'm still confused as to why needed
>> packages weren't installed.
>> Dan
> s/I always do/I always do except this once when I forgot and then forgot
> that I forgot/g

This is why adding some options to make.conf is a good idea as you
already know.  I added -1 ages ago.  Why?  I would be trying to get a
update done and needed to do a few by hand and would forget the -1
option.  One can only imagine what the world file looked like.  lol 
Since I added -1 to make.conf, nothing has went into the world file that
I didn't add there on purpose.  Of course, one has to remember to use
--select y to add those new packages but in general, I may do that a few
times a year where I average updating about twice a week.  Plus, when
you do -a --depclean and it spits out the list, you will see it and slap
your forehead and then go add it if you really want to keep it around. 

In all honesty, I can't imagine how a person can keep a Gentoo install
up to date without adding that or having a really crappy looking world
file.  ;-)

I wonder why the -1 isn't there by default???  I would think it would be
a problem only when doing the initial install, when you want to add a
lot of packages to the world file since most likely, nothing is there. 
Just a thought. 


:-)  :-) 

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