On January 10, 2017 10:01:12 AM GMT+01:00, Philip Webb <purs...@ca.inter.net> 
>170109 Nikos Chantziaras wrote:
>> On 01/09/2017 10:09 AM, Philip Webb wrote:
>>> I had a previous thread re Kernel 4.9.0 + Nvidia 375.26 (now
>>> I tried recompiling that kernel with DRM disabled,
>>> & remerged Nvidia 375.26 , but X won't start.
>> The nvidia driver isn't "automatic". It's not used by X.Org by
>> X.Org only uses its own drivers by default.
>> For the nvidia driver, you need a conf file.
>> Something like this in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/nvidia.conf:
>> http://pastebin.com/raw/0y3NMndp
>I didn't need this with earlier versions of Nvidia-drivers,
>but I've copied your template & am willing to give it a try.
>It looks as if there are several lines which wouldn't fit my machine.
>> The nvidia driver has a tool to help with this too,
>> it's called `nvidia-xconfig`.
>It doesn't seem to be available on my machine :
>  root:515 xorg.conf.d> which nvidia-xconfig
>which: no nvidia-xconfig in
>  root:517 xorg.conf.d> nvidia-xconfig
>   bash: nvidia-xconfig: command not found
>Thanks to the others who replied.  One asked for USE flags : here they
>are :
>  root:518 xorg.conf.d> eix nvidia-drivers
>   ...
>Installed versions:  361.28^msd{tbz2}([2017-01-09 02:41:57])(X driver
>gtk3 kms -acpi -multilib -pax_kernel -static-libs -tools -uvm
>KERNEL="linux -FreeBSD")
>Those are for the version which works & which I've had to restore,
>but I didn't change them for 375.26 .
>Further suggestions are very welcome.

Add the "tools" USE flag to get nvidiasettings and similar.

Am going to try a later version of drivers and kernel myself later.

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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