On Monday 06 Feb 2017 23:14:39 the...@sys-concept.com wrote:
> On 02/06/2017 10:37 PM, the...@sys-concept.com wrote:
> [snip]
> > but I'm getting an error below:
> > 
> > ./easyrsa build-client-full syscon_home nopass
> > NOTE: If you run ./clean-all, I will be doing a rm -rf on
> > /usr/share/easy-rsa/keys
> > 
> > Note: using Easy-RSA configuration from: ./vars
> > 
> > Easy-RSA error:
> > 
> > Missing expected CA file: serial (perhaps you need to run build-ca?)
> > Run without commands for usage and command help.
> I think in order to build it I need to run:
> ./easyrsa build-ca nopass
> ./easyrsa gen-req clinic_8amd nopass
> ./easyrsa sign-req server clinic_8amd nopass
> ./easyrsa gen-dh
> ./easyrsa build-client-full home1 nopass
> But I'm stuck now with:
> openvpn --genkey --secret /root/easy-rsa-example/pki/ta.key
> Mon Feb  6 23:13:20 2017 Cannot open shared secret file
> '/root/easy-rsa-example/pki/ta.key' for write: No such file or directory
> (errno=2) Mon Feb  6 23:13:20 2017 Exiting due to fatal error
> There is no such file "ta.key"
> --
> Thelma

Have you created the desired directory, e.g. /root/easy-rsa-example/pki/ 
before you feed this path in the CLI above?

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