On 02/13/2017 04:11 PM, Harry Putnam wrote:
> Setup:
>    gentoo (no-X) installed into vbox vm on win 10 (64bit) host.
> I've gotten a solid base going but now want to setup LXDE.  Gentoo LXDE
> wiki starts after you've already setup the X server so I went to Gentoo
> Xorg wiki
> Following the gentoo Xorg setup pages.  I'm having some confusion
> regarding which graphics driver is needed.
> The pages at https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Xorg/Guide say to turn off
> any drivers you have selected in your kernel conifg at
> `Device Drvrs
>   -> Graphics support
>    -> Frame buffer devices':
>    Here it says to deselect any drivers in there.
> Move on down to `Console display driver support' and select
> `Frame buffer console support'
> So far easy enough, but I guess I'd still need a driver for whatever
> graphics adaptier vbox has on offer.  In my case it is (from lspci):
>   VGA compatible controller: InnoTek Systemberatun GmbH virtualBox
>   Graphics adaptor
> Back at the wiki:
> The the discussion goes on to a few common graphics adapters and tells
> you what to do about them.  So I'm kind of lost as to what to do about
> the vbox setup.
> The wiki tells you to use KMS as its an improvement over other
> approaches.
> I like to boot with a hi-res framebuffer and do some of my chores in
> console mode where I like that framebuffer.  I'm wondering if with KMS
> one still can have that large or hi-res framebuffer when in console
> mode.  I'm pretty sure the things I had selected in the Framebuffer
> Kernel area were what makes the hi-res frame buffer possible (When not
> using KMS).
> So, following the Xorg pages I've deselected what settings I had there.
> Haven't rebooted as yet.
> Anyway, cutting to the chase:
> So I'm hoping someone here is familiar with the requirements of a vbox vm
> graphics adaptier and can recommend a driver, but I'd also like to hear
> about how a frame buffer works in KMS.

Found a link for you also.


Willie Matthews

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