Corbin Bird <> writes:

> Have you tried : xterm -fa "9x15B-ISO8859-1"?

I mentioned that the -fa switch was not working at all.

I've since discovered that the xterms I had were compiled with useflag
truetype disabled .. so `-truetype' Which meant xterm was compiled
without support for -fa

> Note : that works on XTerm v325 ( tested ).

I've recompiled xterm with useflag truetype enabled and now I have the
-fa flag so I can run the command you mentioned above now.

That is a nice looking font... a little big on my view but

I see something a bit off here... trying to get a smaller font of the
same type I went clear down to 4x6... but those all look just like
the "9x15B-ISO8859-1"

  xterm -fa 4x6-ISO8859-1

Does not say anything by way of error or explanation just shows a
terminal with the same font displayed as "9x15B-ISO8859-1"

That can't be a desirable outcome.

It must just be displaying the same size from 9x 8x 7x 6x 5x 4x. and
doing so silently.

I'm not running a font server.

> The Xorg Xft font server docs specifically show how to set the "default"
> font in Xterm. Look for the section 'Configuring applications'
> Reference Link :

Thanks for the link... much as I been googling I'm surprised I did not
see that one already... it looks quite thorough.

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