On Tue, 7 Mar 2017 13:19:33 -0700, the...@sys-concept.com
(the...@sys-concept.com) wrote about Re: [gentoo-user] Helvetica fonts:

> fc-list | egrep 'Helvetica' | sort

This last one should give you what you need:

> /usr/share/fonts/Helvetica/Helvetica.pfa:Helvetica:style=Regular

> The display far from samples fonts on wiki :-/

I don't understand the above sentence.

> I've run into one posting suggesting use of "-xfl" flag in fltk -
> package http://git.net/ml/lib.fltk.general/2004-08/msg00155.html

Was that post about flpsed?

> so I compiled  x11-libs/fltk without xfl but it did not make any
> difference.

The flag is named xft. It won't help unless flpsed is written in C++ and
uses the fltk toolkit.

Dave  [RLU #314465]
dwn...@ntlworld.com (David W Noon)

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