On 03/08/2017 01:29 PM, James Cloos wrote:
>>>>>> "t" == thelma  <the...@sys-concept.com> writes:
> t> Which package contain "Helvetica" font?
> t> I'm using "flpsed" and apparently it is using Helvetica font, which
> t> "eselect fontconfig list" is not showing anything that resemble "helvet"
> t> "eix helvet" is not showing anything either.
> t> The fonts in "flpsed" display are very rugged/pixelated, it is hard to
> t> look at them.
> I read a number of posts in this thread; few had anything useful to say...
> First of all, FL_HELVETICA is a #define from fltk.
> Cf http://www.fltk.org/doc-1.1/enumerations.html
> So with which USE flags have you compiled fltk?
> If you have eix installed, eix fltk will show them.
> You probably want the xft and/or cairo flags enabled.
> If you have xft, fltk will use fontconfig and client-side fonts.
> And then running:
>   :; fc-match helvetica
> will show you which font fontconfig will use when asked for helvetica.
> Also, try this:
>   :; XFT_DEBUG=1 flpsed
> If fltk uses xft, then that will show you which fonts it selected.
> If nothing prints than fltk is compiled to use server-side fonts.
> Which you probably prefer to avoid.
> -JimC

Thank you Jim for the input.

Yes, fltk is compiled with: cairo xfl
eix fltk
Installed versions:  1.3.3-r3(1)(01:43:37 PM 03/07/2017)(cairo opengl threads 
xft xinerama -debug -doc -examples -games -static-libs)

fc-match helvetica
Helvetica.pfa: "Helvetica" "Regular"

XFT_DEBUG=1 flpsed invoice_5566.pdf 
XftFontInfoFill: /usr/share/fonts/dejavu/DejaVuSans.ttf: 0 (14 pixels)

So I have Helvetica but flpsed is using DejaVuSans.ttf, question is why?


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