After years of running KDM to start various desktop environments flawlessly 
(KDE, fluxbox, enlightenment, plasma) I had to replace it with SDDM.  With the 
arrival of x11-misc/sddm-0.14.0-r2 I am still able to start a session with 
enlightenment, but I am getting access rights errors, for example my user is 
unable to mount a USB stick.  Also, when I log out it logs me back in the 
first time and then logs out normally the second time I try to log out.  I am 
guessing something which should be sourced, is not, but I don't know how to 
fix it.

For years now I have had the following files in place to control what desktop 
manager starts:

$ cat /etc/env.d/90xsession 

$ cat /etc/X11/Sessions/enlightenment 
if [ -x /usr/bin/gpg-agent ]; then
          eval "$(/usr/bin/gpg-agent --daemon)"


cat ~/.xsession
if [ -x /usr/bin/gpg-agent ]; then
        kill $(ps ux | awk '/gpg-agent/ && !/awk/ {print $2}') >/dev/null 2>&1

if [ -x /usr/bin/gpg-agent ]; then
  eval "$(/usr/bin/gpg-agent --daemon)"

if [ -x /usr/bin/urxvtd ]; then
        /usr/bin/urxvtd --opendisplay --fork --quiet


I keyworded x11-misc/sddm-0.14.0-r3 and discovered enlightenment complains it 
can't run the compositor with OpenGL.  I tried starting a X session from the 
console without DM, with 'startx /usr/bin/enlightenment_start' but I also get 
similar symptoms, including inability to run compositor with OpenGL.  I get 
errors like this in ~/.xsession-errors:

ERR<5100>:eina_safety lib/efreet/efreet_ini.c:299 efreet_ini_string_get() 
safety check failed: ini->section == NULL

(gkrellm:5117): Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_box_reorder_child: assertion 
'GTK_IS_WIDGET (child)' failed
ERR<5141>:eldbus lib/eldbus/eldbus_proxy.c:818 _props_get_all() Error getting 
all properties of 
da1, error message: org.enlightenment.DBus.Canceled Canceled by user.

I also tried entrance from bar overlay (it has not been updated in a while and 
has a dependency on an obsolete package), slim (won't log me in) and lightdm.  
When I run lightdm there are no such problems, enlightenment starts with 
OpenGLcompositor, I can mount USB disks, but lightdm installed and is running 
much more than what I really need for my desktop.

Is there a way I can start enlightenment without running into all these kind 
of errors?  Can you see something wrong in my file contents above?


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