On 03/25/2017 09:13 AM, Mick wrote:
On Saturday 25 Mar 2017 11:13:36 Michael Orlitzky wrote:
On 03/25/2017 10:48 AM, Peter Humphrey wrote:
Hello list,

I'm setting up a new little box to be a web development server, to develop
a new website for my choir. I have it running with the old site,
hand-crafted from HTML and CSS, but after installing joomla into the new
site and on attempting to open index.php to configure it, as instructed,
I get this in
Joomla 3.4.x is not compatible with php-7.x:


You'll need Joomla 3.5 at least.

Or if you want some unsolicited advice and you're not picky about the
CMS: avoid Joomla. The user interface is incomprehensible, updates
require manual intervention, extensions are hard to write, and there's a
culture of paid support for things that should just work.


Your error is due to Joomla, not apache.  I also recommend you give Joomla a
wide berth and use Drupal instead, or select a responsive design static
template from the interwebs.  There are a few free templates around which will
do a fine job for a simple website.

If I may piggyback on the recommendations:

Pelican (powered by Python) is a very powerful static site generator, and deployment is basically whatever you want it to be. Pages are basically plaintext (markdown or asciidoc by default iirc) and the theme (template + CSS) is completely separate from the content. It supports translation with standard gettext, too. I use it to power my personal site. I write posts, commit and push remotely, and use a post-commit hook to rsync the generated HTML into the webroot. If that sounds cool, check it out. [1] It might meet your needs.

If you must go PHP, you might want to take a look at the PHP-FIG[2] (Framework Interoperability Group). I can't say I'm 100% in favor of their decisions, but their work has led to some standardization in the PHP world and you might find more modern tools through them.

Best of luck with your site, Peter!

[1]: https://getpelican.com
[2]: http://php-fig.org
Daniel Campbell - Gentoo Developer
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