On 03/26/2017 04:28 AM, Peter Humphrey wrote:

Pelican looks interesting; I may follow it up. I didn't say this before (one
thing at a time, eh?) but I need to build a site that another choirman can
take over from me at some time. That seems to rule out anything that smacks
of script writing, because as far as I know, nobody else has the slightest
interest in computers, never mind programming.

I notice that no-one has mentioned WordPress. I had a look at it, but was
scared off by the Gentoo devs' waving around of garlic and crosses.

Choosing a CMS is a textbook example of "pick your poison." We usually go with either Wordpress or Drupal.

The design of Drupal is much better, technically. Every feature is part of a "module" that you can turn off. The API is well-documented, and it's easy to write new modules. A "content type" in Drupal is a thin abstraction over a database table, and you can build pretty much anything you want by creating the right content type and then creating a "view" to display it how you want.

The end result can be nicer for end users; for example, you can give them a button to create a new employee, or a newsletter, or a blog entry... and each one of those content types will have separate fields and a separate UI. The trade-off is that nothing works out-of-the-box in Drupal, and it will take you two weeks to get all of that set up.

With Wordpress, you get a nice, clean, easy-to-use site in about five minutes. If that site will work for you -- i.e. if all you need is pages, menu items, a contact form, and whatever else you can get from pre-existing plugins -- do that!

Wordpress is made for non-technical users but I don't mean that in a bad way. I've been doing Wordpress updates on some sites for over five years, and it's never crashed and made me stop what I was doing to fix it. Plugin updates are similarly easy, but I can echo what Mick said: you need to pay attention to the update notifications, and they come frequently.

All CMSes have terrible security records, so the fact that Wordpress gets hacked all the time shouldn't lead you to believe that another CMS would fare any better. You can make any CMS a lot more secure in two simple ways:

  1. Always update ASAP.
  2. Don't make your website writable by the anonymous web user.

The second one means that you will have to update over SSH, at least as long as you maintain the site, but severely limits the damage that a hacker can do with a tiny exploit.

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