Kai Krakow wrote:
> Am Wed, 29 Mar 2017 17:08:39 -0500
> schrieb Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com>:
>> Peter Humphrey wrote:
>>> On Tuesday 21 Mar 2017 14:59:48 Dale wrote:
>>>> Ublock is another option as well.  I use it on some Firefox
>>>> profiles. It does seem to respond better than Adblock but some
>>>> things I don't like about Ublock.
>>>> I may look into that Ghostery too.  See if it is available for
>>>> Firefox and Seamonkey.  
>>> I don't know about Seamonkey, but it is available for Firefox. It's
>>> a bit of an eye-opener too. I had no idea how many people are out
>>> there keeping watch over all our journeys around the web.
>> I tried it on one profile I have and it was not good.  It slowed
>> Firefox to a crawl.  It took a good ten minutes just to get the
>> add-ons manager to open and me to disable Ghostery.  Once I did that,
>> it got better. After I restarted Firefox, it was back to normal. 
>> I suspect it clashes with another add-on I use.  I'm not sure which
>> one so I'll have to play with it when I have more time to spend on
>> it. Right now, forestry and gardening is taking up my time tho. 
> This suggests that one of the other addons is your real problem...

How is that?  It works fine without Ghostery?  What I suspect is
happening, Ghostery and some other addon clashes.  I suspect that if I
removed the other addons and installed Ghostery, it would work fine. 
After all, if it was as slow as it was when I installed it for everyone
else, people would be complaining, a lot.  It renders Firefox basically
unusable.  I just don't have time to test it to see which one it clashes
with right now. 

I have quite a few addons installed.  This isn't the first time I've had
two addons clash. 


:-)  :-) 

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