Am Sat, 29 Apr 2017 14:39:13 +0000
schrieb Alan Mackenzie <>:

> For a start, I could barely read parts of it, which were displayed in
> dark blue text on a black background.  Setting
> up /etc/portage/ is not the first thing a new user should
> have to do to be able to read messages from emerge.  This is,
> however, something I knew had to be done, and I did it.

This is a problem with most terminal emulators having a much too dark
"dark blue". On an old DOS CRT, this dark blue was still bright enough
to be read easily on black background. Especially, I found PuTTY in
Windows having a dark blue barely readable.

E.g., in KDE Konsole I usually switch to a different terminal color
scheme which usually gets around this. But then, contrast on bright
colors is usually very bad, as can be seen in MC at some points. But
the new "breeze" color scheme from current Plasma versions is quite
nice and an overall good fit.

> The error message was "Multiple package instances within a single
> package slot have been pulled into the dependency graph, resulting in
> a slot conflict:".  Uhh???

This wouldn't happen if this would actually be a new system with vendor
stage tarball. I guess you're upgrading an existing system from new

> Is this gobbledegook really what a new user should be seeing, having
> not yet installed any packages, bar a very few, beyond what is
> requisite to bringing a new machine up?
> The actual conflict packages are:
>     dev-lang/perl-5.24.1-r1:0/5.24::gentoo
>   and
>     dev-lang/perl-5.22.3-rc4:0/5.22::gentoo
> , "pulled in" by internal system packages I've got no direct interest
> in, plus, shockingly, "and 2 more with the same problem" and "and 5
> more with the same problem".

This, and similar conflicts, can be easily resolved by forcing rebuilds
of the packages marked in blue in the conflict tree. I particular, here
it works by running:

# emerge -DNua world --reinstall-atoms "$(qlist -ICS dev-perl/

I found "reinstall-atoms" to become very handy lately. Emerge seems to
be pretty bad at determining rebuilds of dependents in world upgrades,
even when using big backtrack values. Also, bigger backtrack values
increase deptree calculation by a huge factor, especially when emerge
isn't able to figure it out anyways.

You may want to remove all perl virtuals first, which is essentially
what perl-cleaner also does in a first step:

# emerge -Ca $(qlist -IC virtual/perl-)


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