On 05/21 08:41, Kai Krakow wrote:
> Am Sun, 21 May 2017 08:15:57 +0200
> schrieb tu...@posteo.de:
> > I have a directory mounted via fuse.encfs (encrypted).
> > 
> > Since kernel 4.11 (seldom, more often with 4.11.1 and 4.11.2) it
> > happens that once in a sudden the system decides to make the
> > contents unaccessible:
> > 'mount' stills shows the mount of that directory but neither
> > 'ls' or any other application can find the directory anymore.
> > This happens while an application still accesses files
> > of that directory (and the failure to do so shows that
> > the "auto umount" has hit again).
> > 
> > I fetched the kernel right off ftp.kernel.org (more
> > exactlu: off a mirror of that).
> Why don't you use the gentoo-sources kernel ebuild? It has some special
> patches for Gentoo userland... Tho I don't see any that may have
> directly to do with your problem...
> But maybe you want to check if it happens there, too. They have at
> least 4.11.1 available by now. Myself, I'm using ck-sources 4.11.1.
> > What is happening here? Has Linus implemented a timer
> > for that ? :)
> Do you use systemd and mounted it with a mount-timeout parameter
> accidently?
> > Any help is very appreciated since this featire is VERY
> > annoying!
> Since this is a fuse filesystem, check dmesg if there are any signals
> regarding the fuse daemon: Maybe it just crashed. It doesn't really
> unmount since you still see the mount point listed. Compare the running
> fuse related processes before and after the issue.
> -- 
> Regards,
> Kai
> Replies to list-only preferred.

Hi Kai,

thanks for your help! 


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