On 07/05/17 08:57, Harry Putnam wrote:
> I skimmed thru some of the documentation about using binary pkgs
> online, but it kind of indicated it might not be possible to get
> everything in that format.
> Wondering if using mostly binary pkgs is a biggish hassle or if it can
> be done... and done without the time-sink always involved in `emerge
> world'..(over time)?
> As a longish time gentoo user (more than 12 yrs at a guess)... I can
> only guess at the enormous amount of time I've spent getting thru
> various aspects of `emerge world'.  I am sure it would be quite an
> astounding figure.
> Due to an unusual thickness of skull... I may have spent more time
> than the average bear.
> So, can someone be a gentoo user and NOT subscribe to one of the
> main tenets of the gentoo view of things.

Yep, just select a gentoo derivative distro [1] that puts out binaries
as an alternative.  But then when you do not find a binary for what you
want, you mostly end up with a 'one-off' to 'hokey' manual install
semantic. Most folks astute enough to run gentoo, fear binaries put
together and offered as part of a distro. Are checksums enough to ensure
the integrity of internet available binaries?  I'd suspect that is a
common attack vector for today's interlopers....

CoreOS  may be good for you, if you can stomach systemd.

caveat emptor...


[1] https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Distributions_based_on_Gentoo

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