Rich Freeman <> writes:

[...] snipped informative input

> For a single system there isn't much benefit in general, though for
> reinstalls you can certainly save binary packages of everything you do
> build.  I do this for everything I build.  I also have Gentoo
> pre-build binary packages where it can overnight so that I can do
> quick installs during the day after reviewing the list of new packages
> to install.

This is something of a change of subject ... I'd be interested in
hearing more about what you are talking about when you say:

"I also have gentoo pre-build binary packages where it can

Not so much interested in binary... now that I see its really sort of
a non-starter for someone looking to avoid `emerge world' where
posssible, but I am interested in how your overnight runs are done,
the details, as they might apply to getting parts or all of an update
done unattended. Perhaps parts of your system can be adapted for use
where emerging all or parts of an update are the goal.

Can you flesh out some of the details? Especially the `where it can'
part.  How do you know what can or or can't be done unattended?

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