On Friday 28 Jul 2017 15:23:05 Gregory Woodbury wrote:
> By default, BOINC daemon is started by root and supposedly drops
> permissions after a bit. However, the CERNVM VirtualBox application
> cannot run as root, so they recommend running BOINC from a user
> account that has virtualbox permissions; VirtualBox, on the other
> hand, will not run as root for security reasons.
> I got around this by making BOINC as "user" and moving its $HOME to
> /home/boinc/  and I don't think I had to change anything (except the
> /etc/conf.d/boinc file.)

I run it as me in its own partition, under /home/prh/boinc/. I also had to 
change /usr/share/applications/boincmgr.desktop so that I could run the GUI.

> I am not using any hardening in the kernel, so that may complicate things.

It does. Everything worked just fine until I hardened the kernel. I don't 
know yet whether BOINC can run at all on a hardened system. Whence my 

> I currently run some 11 projects, including SETI, CERN, Einstein, and
> World Community Grid.  Everything works fine for me.

Yes, I run seven projects, including all those except WCG.


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