Mick wrote:
> On Thursday, 24 August 2017 09:36:43 BST J. Roeleveld wrote:
>> I can handle HTML emails and won't complain. (As long as they don't set some
>> idiotic font or background colours)
> I don't mind messages which contain both formats and let the mail client 
> render the content according to the preferences of the recipient; i.e. a 
> message with:
> Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
> which contains:
> Content-Type: text/plain;
> and 
> Content-Type: text/html;
> However, I have found some mail clients, especially Microsoft web based 
> mailers, send a Base64 blob which *only* contains HTML.  I don't like 
> receiving these and depending on the sender I delete them.
>> But top-posting when replying to emails makes for unnecessary difficult
>> reading.
>> --
>> Joost
> Top-posting when the message is a threaded conversation does not help.  Some 
> mobile apps and webmail interfaces make it really difficult to respond 
> inline, 
> so I don't mind being flexible on this matter.
> PS.  I like this list just as it is.  Plain text and no-top posting - thank 
> you.  :-)

OK.  I'm nosy now.  Can you folks share what email software you are
using?  Is it GUI based etc?   Stable and doesn't change settings to
something stupid like Seamonkey/thunderbird just did. 

To put it simply, I'm considering switching away from Seamonkey here and
just may do it.  One thing I'd like tho, being able to transfer my
emails from Seamonkey to whatever new program I'm using.  When I
switched from Kmail, I was able to do that, can't recall how now.

Just curious as to my options here.  May as well learn some stuff while
we on the topic.  ;-) 



:-)  :-)  

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