Am Tue, 26 Sep 2017 18:30:33 -0700
schrieb Ian Zimmerman <>:

> On 2017-09-27 02:38, Kai Krakow wrote:
> > If you don't want (or cannot) upgrade, you have two options:
> > 
> >   1. Prepare to maintain your own overlay and deal with it
> > 
> >   2. Don't use a rolling release distribution
> > 
> > Personally, and since you seem to know enough to manage your own
> > overlay, I'd stick to #1.  
> I do so already, and in fact my initial workaround was to fork the
> ebuild in my repo, pretty much like you recommend.
> But I didn't know that this was the official way of stopping upgrades.
> I thought package.mask was that, and I think that's what the Handbook
> (or maybe some other part of the wiki) recommends.

Yes, masking of course. But at some point in time, the ebuild would be
dropped. And you may want to keep it around for rebuilds.


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