Mick wrote:
> On Sunday, 29 October 2017 01:56:52 GMT Dale wrote:
>> Daniel Frey wrote:
>>> Well, that's odd. I just built it and see nothing of the sort. I built
>>> it with all USE flags.
>>> I am not using nut now, but I was trying it about a year ago. I did
>>> have a client (it wasn't knutclient), maybe it was removed from the
>>> tree. That's disappointing.
>>> How much information do your users need? I'm running KDE5 with apcupsd
>>> and an APC UPS, and the battery monitor built in to KDE shows me that
>>> the battery is at 100% (it doesn't really say much else, though.)
>>> Dan
>> I seem to recall that one was treecleaned a good while back, few
>> months.  I can't recall the name but think it was something KDE
>> related.  I seem to recall --depclean removing it or something here. 
>> Can't recall why it was removed from the tree tho.
>> That said, I tried Knutclient here and while it works, it doesn't say
>> much.  It seems most features don't work with the UPS I have.  It does
>> show on the command line with a upsc command.  Maybe I need some
>> different settings or something. 
>> Dale
>> :-)  :-) 
> On a small UPS knutclient shows the current load, to avoid stupidly plugging 
> in unsuitable devices in the UPS like printers and then blaming the UPS - it 
> has happened ... sigh ... ;  it shows input voltage, output voltage and 
> runtime on battery.  On a larger UPS it also shows temperature.  When in a 
> power cut you're trying to save your work before a shutdown starts, running 
> upsc and reading line by line the output can take longer than glancing at the 
> GUI.  Life will carry on without it, but it is nevertheless a convenient 
> gadget to have for some users.
> Perhaps I should enable the cgi flag and see what web interface this offers, 
> although I can guess it will require a web browser to run on the PC acting as 
> a nut server.  Anyone used this?  

I noticed when I tried it that it stuck it in the little panel thingy at
the bottom.  Thing is, mine shows so little info, even in the main
screen, I'm not quite sure what the point is in having it.  I think it
showed it was using line power, model and run time.  That's it.  I hate
to say it but that doesn't tell me anything I don't already know.  Heck,
I can push the button on the front of the UPS and tell that and a whole
lot more. 

What is weird, upsc shows the info but the GUI doesn't.  Pretty weird. 

Power failures aren't as often the past few years anyway.  I could
almost make it without a UPS BUT I do like having that extra
protection.  Mine has some serious surge protection in it plus
brownout/over voltage protection/warning as well.  While I have a fairly
decent power supply in this rig, I didn't buy the cheapest thing out
there, having a little extra is nice.  May save my bacon one day.  ;-)

I still can't recall the name of the treecleaned version tho.  It seems
it was depending on something else that was removed. 


:-)  :-) 

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