On 24.11.17 16:39, Peter Humphrey wrote:

> I'm trying an evasion, which is to use fetchmail to retrieve emails
> from my ISP and deliver them to postfix, which can then serve them
> via IMAP.

Postfix is an MTA and does neither store email nor lets you access email
via IMAP. There must be an IMAP server in your mix somewhere (e.g.
Dovecot or Courier).

> I still don't know what to add to /etc/ conf.d/fetchmail, nor whether
> I need a ~/.fetchmailrc or an /etc/fetchmailrc file (no sample comes
> with the ebuild).

Your needs depend on what you are trying to achieve, and you have been a
bit vague on the details. If you plan to use a single fetchmail process,
~foo/.fetchmailrc (with foo being the user you want to run fetchmail as)
usually suffices.


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