Am Sun, 03 Dec 2017 09:53:21 +0000
schrieb Peter Humphrey <>:

> On Sunday, 3 December 2017 04:15:25 GMT Heiko Baums wrote:
> > Like I said before. emerge always calculates the dependency tree,
> > which is a lot faster in case of `emerge -e @world` than in case of
> > `emerge -uDN @world`. And then it knows which packages have already
> > been installed and which are not.
> > 
> > That said I haven't run an `emerge -e @world` before. So I'm
> > actually not sure if this works the same way as with an `emerge
> > -uDN @world`.  
> Nope. Empty-tree means empty-tree. That is, whenever you emerge -e
> world, you start from the beginning every time, regardless of
> anything you were doing just before that.

Actually I was talking about the behavior of `emerge --resume` in the
case of `emerge -e @world` compared to `emerge -uDN @world`. Sorry, if
this was unclear.


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