Heiko Baums wrote:
> Am Sun, 3 Dec 2017 06:55:59 -0600
> schrieb Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com>:
>> I hope I understood what you meant with all this.  I disturbed quite a
>> few electrons and stuff with this.  lol
> I think you understood what I meant even if I didn't think about doing
> some other stuff with emerge in between another emerge. And I think
> even Meino was more concerned about a power failure in between `emerge
> -e @world`.
> Nevertheless interesting to know that `emerge --resume` even works or
> at least has once worked after another emerge.
> Heiko

Just keep in mind, you have to start the resume in another
console/konsole first.  It's been a good while since I've had to do that
but it should work.  The biggest thing, starting the process so that the
resuming emerge already knows what to do before doing anything else in
another terminal.  That's what prevents it from clearing out what you
want to resume.

That said, if fixing something requires a USE flag change or some other
environmental change, all bets are off.  That will lead to other changes
that will not apply to the already loaded resume command. 

I hope that makes sense because it can be rather complicated if it
doesn't click as to what I'm describing. 

Based on all the threads, I'm sticking with the old profile until next
week or maybe two weeks.  Let some of this settle.  It seems things are
going pretty well but there does seem to be a few hiccups here and there. 


:-)  :-)

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