On 10/12/2017 14:54, John Covici wrote:
> On Sun, 10 Dec 2017 07:36:19 -0500,
> Kent Fredric wrote:
>> [1  <text/plain; US-ASCII (quoted-printable)>]
>> On Sun, 10 Dec 2017 02:17:09 -0500
>> John Covici <cov...@ccs.covici.com> wrote:
>>> OK, thanks, I think I will try that.
>> The problem you're facing is that you masked dev-lang/perl, but not any
>> virtual/perl-* or perl-core/-* to compensate.
>> These 3 components work in concert like a single component, as a sort
>> of bodge to compensate for the fact portage has no working "provides" 
>> feature,
>> and to compensate for the dependency-system missmatch between how
>> Gentoo works and how CPAN works.
>> Theres' no easy way of fixing this atm, but the short of it is if you're 
>> using
>> an ~arch dev-lang/perl, you should be using an ~arch virtual/perl-*,
>> and if you're using an "arch" dev-lang/perl, you should be using only
>> "arch" versions of virtual/perl-*
>> Once you do this, portage may still scream at you, because portage is
>> very much optimised for upgrading, and it tends to think downgrading is
>> an error.
>> So once you get all your masks/keyword changes in place, you should do:
>>   emerge -C virtual/perl-*
>>   emerge -C perl-core/*
>> (or something to that effect)
>> This looks scary, but generally isn't, because you're not actually removing
>> anything with this, just juggling a few balls and making only older
>> versions of certain things available ( as they're alls shipped in
>> dev-lang/perl )
>> And then after you do this, portage is more likely to be persuadable
>> into doing the right thing.
>> You can additionally abuse my tool, gentoo-perl-helpers for doing some of 
>> this,
>> and some of the steps I've described are automated because they're just
>> that safe and useful.
>> https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Perl#app-admin.2Fgentoo-perl-helpers
>> After putting the right masks in place, do:
>>      gentoo-perl gen-upgrade-sets 5.26 5.24
>> And if you're really lucky, the sets it generates will work the first time :)
>> ( I actually tested this scenario when developing it, but its still an
>> undocumented use on purpose )
>> GLHF.
> I went ahead and did the upgrade which worked, but the emerge from
> perl-cleaner --all did not.  I am using ~amd64 and have done so for
> years, so I don't think I need to maks off anything.  I seem now to be
> stuck with dev-python/setuptools, so I am now trying to figure out why
> I can't emerge that -- it was triggered by the perl-cleaner --all .

How recent is your tree?

I had issues with setuptools doing the first run through the 17.0
upgrade. I never looked into it too closely, I used --keep-going, but
setuptools seemed to think I had a useable python-3.4

After the first run through emerge -e world, nuking-python-3.4 and
re-syncing, setuptols worked normally again.

YMMV of course where you are
Alan McKinnon

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