Thank you for your attention.
Try to remove the blocker in blueman, see if files collide or not

How can I remove the blocker in blueman? AFAIK it's not like adding package constraint to the package.unmask or something like that. I have no experience with writing ebuilds though.
But I can check "equery f" for one package and then remove it, install another and check the same for it and then look for repeating file paths. Will it be enough?
09.12.2017, 17:08, "Mart Raudsepp" <l...@gentoo.org>:

On R, 2017-12-08 at 19:39 +0700, Vadim A. Misbakh-Soloviov wrote:

 > Is it really necessary to block one package when another installed?

 Most of the time, the reason to make packages to block each other is 
 collisions (if they they contain files (like binaries or libraries)
 with same 
 install paths).

 Although, I can't guarantee that it was the case here.

There was a blocker in blueman against gnome-bluetooth due to a file
collision with gnome-bluetooth. This was removed with 2.0-r1, back in
Oct 2015, as blueman upstream solved it.
To me it looks like the change didn't make it to the live ebuild and
then eventually sometime after 2.0.3 a bump was made via copying from
9999, not the latest version, thus reinstating the blocker, possibly by
accident. Or maybe on purpose, but I don't see an explanation for it in
Try to remove the blocker in blueman, see if files collide or not, and
if not file a bug against blueman, possibly with info that it might
have been accidental reintroduction due to..., etc.

 I've noticed that Gnome Team makes some decisions, that doesn't looks
 for a few times already.

Something not looking logical for you doesn't mean there isn't sound
logic. In this case, it's not us who have a blocker possibly wrongly
reintroduced here.

Mart Raudsepp
Gentoo GNOME team lead

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