On Tue, Dec 12, 2017 at 10:34:27AM +0000, Neil Bothwick wrote

> I have three gnome packages installed on this KDE box. One is the
> tiny package that started this thread, and is GNOME only in name,
> the other two are dependencies of XFCE, which I also have installed.
> I see no GNOME takeover, beyond the fact that many distros are
> choosing GNOME as their default desktop.

  My big hate is the ever-growing dependancy list of gtk.  Yes I know
that it's *NOT* supposed to mean "Gnome Tool Kit", but it seems to be
just that.  I run ICEWM window manager, but also use gnumeric and
abiword which require gtk+.  Over the past few years I've seen various
new hard-coded dependancies crop up when doing...

emerge -pv --changed-use --deep --update @world

adwaita-icon-theme, gtk-engines-adwaita, atk, dbus, harfbuzz,
introspection, libepoxy, etc, etc, etc.  How long before pulseaudio and
systemd show up as hard-coded dependancies?

  I'm old enough to remember a time when people switched to linux
because it ran fast on older machines that couldn't run the latest

Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>
I don't run "desktop environments"; I run useful applications

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