On Fri, Oct 14, 2005 at 10:58:04AM -0700, Rob wrote
> I have never seen this behavior except with the Gentoo mozilla-bin port. 
> It is not rendering text correctly.  I have tried Arial Truetype font 
> and ordinary fonts.  What is does is print the letters of text with huge 
> spaces between them.  It does not occur on all web pages, but enough to 
> be really annoying.  I do not know if this is a port problem or a basic 
> mozilla problem.  Has any one else seen this? the mozilla version is 1.7.12

  I had the exact same problem in Firefox.  What's happening is that you
are setting up *YOUR* fonts, but the browser is using *THE WEBPAGE'S*
fonts, so what you do has no effect.

  The Mozilla menu sequence might be slightly different.  In Firefox, it
was as follows...

Fonts & Colors

  Near the bottom of the "Fonts & Colors" tab, check the option...
Always use my: [X] Fonts

  Now *YOUR* font choices should take effect.

An infinite number of monkeys pounding away on keyboards will
eventually produce a report showing that Windows is more secure,
and has a lower TCO, than linux.
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