On Mon, Jan 01, 2018 at 09:24:46PM +0100, tu...@posteo.de wrote:
> Hi,
> […]
> For displaying (the illusion of) different shades of gray, one need
> to convert the colored image into a so called "dithered" black and
> white image (newspapers often use this trick).
> Since -- in difference to the newspapers -- the pixels all have the
> same size and can only be switched on or off only a few dithering
> methods can be applied from which I want to choose the best suited
> for a certain image.
> The only problem: Which software can do this kind of conversion?

The obvious answer Gimp has three methods. Open your photo, select Image →
Mode → Indexed. Select 1 bit colour depth and choose between the dithering
methods at the bottom of the dialog.

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