On Wed, Jan 31, 2018 at 8:44 PM, Harry Putnam <rea...@newsguy.com> wrote:
> Installing gentoo as guest into vbox vm on solaris-11 (openindiana)
> gentoo-17
> VBox 5.2.6
> Kernel 4.15.0
> My first boot resulted in resulted in a kernel panic... not able to
> mount root.

Maybe taking a video record or screenshot and providing a extact log
message would help.

> In a chroot now I can see lspci -k shows ata_piix in use .. but that
> would probably be because in vbox I have the gentoo install media on
> IDE secondary master.  But also shows sata controller ahci

In case device driver is fine, you would want to check the filesystem
type. I've done something like using btrfs as rootfs but didn't mark
btrfs as builtin module.

Similar kernel panic.

Silence is golden.

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