When I run "grub-install/dev/boot" (following the manual) I i get the error 
"grub-install: error: cannot find a GRUB for /dev/boot.  Check your device map" 
 I looked at the /boot partition and there is no device map.  

I'm installing gentoo running debian.  I have another os so the boot partition 
should be properly set up.  This is on an ancient hp proliant dl385, Gen 1.  
debian is running grub 2.02~beta3-5.  This machine does not use uefi, and the 
raid driver is in the kernel.

 Do i need to hack together the device map or?  Any help appreciated, thank 

Unfortunately i'm more familiar with grub legacy than grub2, studying manual 
now (it's very verbose and takes a bit to absorb enough to use it.

mad.scientist.at.large (a good madscientist)
God bless the rich, the greedy and the corrupt politicians they have put into 
office.   God bless them for helping me do the right thing by giving the rich 
my little pile of cash.  After all, the rich know what to do with money.

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